As the artist came to truly understand this world, he was surprised to see how much he already unknowingly understood about reality. He felt deeper truths within that he would keep to himself due to his worry of how others would perceive him. Being outspoken & outlandish felt right to him, but would usually only embody this side while intoxicated. Hiding behind inebriation comforted him, there was no reserves about holding anything back, no cares if others dismissed his insight. There for the party, in the now, saying shit that resonated within, it was only when sober that he allowed indoctrination & misinformation guide him. Questioning many things, listening to others, programmed by the education system, he started to forget what he would come to know as his true self. He was living a life others expected of him, not what was intended for him, he became too analytical, losing touch with the whimsical. Aware of what he lost, losing trust in the system, he began removing outside noise from his life, looking to himself for guidance. At this point, his questions were met with external answers that resonated with him. Realizing he was now operating how his intoxicated self effortlessly did, he became intoxicated by life itself. Putting his foot on the gas pedal, he floored it, seeking to master the actual rules that govern reality. He sought to unleash everything that was gnawing at him from the inside, everything that was speaking to him; he was seeking to actualize his potential. As a result, his talents flourished, his appearance enhanced, his confidence skyrocketed. These external signs indicated that he was on to something, reassuring him that his current mindset was the one intended for him.
Through this adopted mindset, he began to embody “The Demeanor.” He described it as operating without fear, shame, guilt, resentment, jealousy, or doubt because you hold yourself accountable to actualize your potential. You know everything it going to be okay because you actively work internally & externally to ensure it will be. It’s having the power to make an external situation what you want it to be via internal mastery. You harness the ability to spin anything in your favor, everything happens for you not to you. What needs to be done is made known, nothing fazes you & it is obvious to all that bear witness. There is no substitute for it, no amount of disciplined health optimization habits compare to the vitality it provides. You become invincible; any less than ideal habits have little to no effect on you. Firing on all cylinders, the world becomes yours to create as you see fit, blessings become common, everything seemingly just falls into place.
There are steps one may take to develop the mindset required to embody their intended demeanor if they so wish. To begin, they must reduce desire and increase sacrifice to prove their worth, then remove all beliefs that they didn’t reach by their own accord. Reject limited thinking, reprogram the mind while refraining from lying to thyself, & stop acting surprised about the miracles meant for thyself. From here, one must decide what they seek to master then hone that skill from this limitless self-deserving perspective. Seek it, be it, allow it to make itself known, then act on it immediately. Gain full control; master the rules & the rules no longer apply.
We all know we know when something is amiss, yet many have allowed fear, punishment, & indoctrination to drown out internal cries for help with programmed lies. These individuals don’t help themselves & are incapable of helping others; just as they do with themselves they seek to “correct” others. Unconcerned about the truth, they simply want to be patted on the back for expressing the ideology they’ve been programmed to believe. Allowing the outside noise to infiltrate & consume the mind is the result of unintentional living where chaos becomes common. Awareness and willingness to accept that our current mindset might be faulty is the way out of the perpetual cycle of life happening to us rather than for us, bestowing the harmony meant for us.